Author: admin

What does the “population” in PHM actually mean?

I’ve been reading quite a bit about population health management (PHM) lately since the concept seems to be taking on increasing importance in medicine. PHM has been around for decades, but only now is it catching everyone’s attention, particularly in light of COVID which has laid bare the serious flaws with the U.S. medical system. […]

Narrative Medicine

I’ve been reading about a concept that’s been around for a while but I’m only now becoming aware of: narrative medicine. It has interesting connections to population health management, and places a premium on building empathy between physicians and patients in this era of hyper-short interactions. According to an article on the Association of American […]

First Blog Post

Hi there. I intend this blog to be a place where I explore ideas related to topics like public health, population health management, and social determinants of health. I’m very open to different ways of tackling the upstream effects of bad health and negative health outcomes. This is where I’ll post my ideas about how […]