Category: Insurance

Improving Population Health Through Housing

For a while now I’ve been meaning to write a post about the connection between housing instability and health. Of late, this topic has drawn a good deal of coverage in high-profile news outlets, and organizations across the healthcare spectrum are taking notice. The idea is buoyed by the notion that addressing negative social determinants […]

PHM and Rural Healthcare — Part 2

In a post last month, I explored the current state of rural healthcare in America. Building on that theme, I now want to look at how the concept of population health management (PHM) can play a key role in improving health outcomes in rural areas. While it might not be the first setting one thinks […]

Maternal Mortality and PHM — Part 2

Since the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report titled “Maternal Health: Outcomes Worsened and Disparities Persisted During the Pandemic,” I thought this would be a good opportunity to write the promised follow-up to my first blog post about maternal mortality and population health. After doing further research since I first published that […]

What Is a Health Insurance Exchange?

For the newest installment in my “What is…?” series, I’d like to explore what a health insurance exchange is. Health insurance exchanges, a.k.a. health insurance marketplaces, have been in the news as of late because a couple of programs enacted to help Americans get through the COVID pandemic, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of […]

Insurance and PHM

A key component in the medical industry’s drive to adopt value-based care is health insurance. Although I’m not an expert on health insurance, I’ve delved into the topic a fair amount on this blog, mainly focusing on government-provided insurance like Medicare and Medicaid with only a passing reference to private insurance. This is because the […]

What is a PCMH?

It seems like the term “Patient-Centered Medical Home,” or PCMH, has been getting a lot of attention lately, particularly in discussions related to value-based care. For that reason, as the first installment in my new “What Is?” series, I’d like to focus on this concept. So what is a PCMH? According to the National Committee […]